Sie sind hier: Startseite Research Research Projects

Research Projects

Ongoing research projects

  • ValuGaps (2020-2024): Towards a comprehensive valuation of natural capital in Germany: Methods and approaches to deal with limited information and uncertainty

  • marEEshift (2019–2023): Marine ecological-economic systems in the Western Baltic Sea and beyond: Shifting the baseline to a regime of sustainability

Completed research projects

  • RUINS (2018–2022): Risk, Uncertainty and Insurance under Climate Change. Coastal Land Management on the German North Sea

  • Environmental Forecasting (2019-2020)

  • URCforSR (2016-2020): Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research

  • COMTESS (2011-2016): Sustainable Coastal Land Management: Trade-offs in Ecosystem Services

  • ECCUITY (2012-2015): Economics of Climate Change: Distribution, Efficiency, and Policy under Uncertainty

  • Responsibility for Sustainability (2013-2014): Leuphana internal research project

  • EIGEN (2010-2013): Efficient inter- and intragenerationally just use of ecosystem services

  • Habur canal (2012-2013): Sustainability-economic analysis of an ancient infrastructure project for irrigation agriculture: The Habur canal in Assyria, 13th century BC.

  • Ecosystem Services (2007-2010): Sustainable use of ecosystem services under uncertainty. Ecological-economic modelling and evaluation of economic policy options

  • Ecological Economics (2004-2007): Modelling and conceptual foundation by the example of grazing in semi-arid regions


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