Workshops in Sustainability Economics
To systematically develop the research field of sustainability economics, we regularly organize international workshops, conferences and symposia.
- Uncertainty and Distribution in Natural Capital Valuation, Webinar, June 2021
- Environmental Forecasting: Causes and Consequences of Forecasting Cultures, Freiburg, October 2019
- Responsibility for the Sustainable Management of the Global Commons, Hohwacht, July 2018
- Marine Ecological-Economic Systems: Shifting the Baseline to a Regime of Sustainability, Tilburg (The Netherlands), September 2017
- Experiments on Intergenerational Justice under Uncertainty, Camp Reinsehlen, October 2015
- Intergenerational Equity and Efficiency under Uncertainty, Camp Reinsehlen, August 2014
- Responsibility for Sustainability. Combining the Perspectives of Economics and Philosophy, Camp Reinsehlen, June 2012
- Sustainability Economics, Berlin, June 2010
- Conceptualizing Sustainability under Uncertainty, Camp Reinsehlen, October 2008
- Philosophy of Ecological Economics, International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), Leipzig, June 2007
- Economics of Nature Conservation, Heidelberg, May 2006
- The Insurance Value of Biodiversity, First DIVERSITAS International Conference on Biodiversity, Oaxaca/Mexico, November 2005
- Philosophy of Interdisciplinary Research in Ecology and Economics, Heidelberg, February 2005
- Diversity in Competitive Systems – Ecological and Economic Perspectives, Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), Montreal/Canada, July 2004
- Joint Production – Thermodynamics, Economics, and Ethics, Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), Montreal/Canada, July 2004
- Sustainability and Uncertainty: Challenges for Interdisciplinary Theorizing, Berlin, February 2004
- Economic Growth – Driving Forces and Constraints in the Perspective of Economics and the Sciences, Bad Honnef, October 2000
- Biodiversity as an Ecological and Economic Resource, Founding meeting of the network Economics and Nature Conservation, Oberflockenbach, July 2000
- Joint Production and Environmental Problems, Oberflockenbach, February 1999