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Research Area 3

Risk, Resilience and Insurance in Ecological-Economic Systems

Resilience of ecological-economic systems, that is their ability to maintain their basic functions and controls under disturbances, is very valuable for humans since it provides natural protection from catastrophic environmental changes. For instance, the resilience of coral reefs and mangrove forests contributes to the protection from devastating inundations in coastal areas. Our research in this area integrates concepts from ecology and economics and employs ecological-economic modeling to investigate the resilience of human-environment systems in the context of environmental decisions under uncertainty. In particular, we build on insights and methods from the economic literature on insurance and decisions to enhance the conceptual understanding of ecological-economic resilience. 




Agthe, M., A. Ernst and S. Baumgärtner (2020), Notions of climate-change-related uncertainty among stakeholders in the coastal region of Krummhörn, East Frisia, Germany, SSRN Discussion Paper, 5 November 2020


Baumgärtner, S. (2007), The insurance value of biodiversity in the provision of ecosystem services, Natural Resource Modeling 20(1), 87–127.


Baumgärtner, S. (2020), Responsibility for regime shifts in managed ecosystems, SSRN Discussion Paper, 1 December 2020


Baumgärtner, S., S. Derissen, M. Quaas and S. Strunz (2011), Consumer preferences determine resilience of ecological-economic systems, Ecology and Society 16(4), 9.


Baumgärtner, S. and M.F. Quaas (2009), Agro-biodiversity as natural insurance and the development of financial insurance markets, in: A. Kontoleon, U. Pascual and M. Smale (eds), Agrobiodiversity, Conservation and Economic Development, Routledge, London, pp. 293–317.


Baumgärtner, S. and M.F. Quaas (2009), Ecological-economic viability as a criterion of strong sustainability under uncertainty, Ecological Economics 68(7), 2008–2020.


Baumgärtner, S. and M.F. Quaas (2010), Managing increasing environmental risks through agro-biodiversity and agri-environmental policies, Agricultural Economics 41(5), 483–496.


Baumgärtner, S. and S. Strunz  (2014), The economic insurance value of ecosystem resilience, Ecological Economics 101, 21–31.


Derissen, S., M.F. Quaas and S. Baumgärtner (2011), The relationship between resilience and sustainability of ecological-economic systems, Ecological Economics 70(6), 1121–1128.


Ingenillem, J., J. Merz and S. Baumgärtner (2014), Determinants and interactions of sustainability and risk management of commercial cattle farmers in Namibia, University of Lüneburg Working Paper Series in Economics, Working Paper No. 304, July 2014.


Jakoby, O., M.F. Quaas, S. Baumgärtner and K. Frank (2015), Adapting livestock management to spatio-temporal heterogeneity in semi-arid rangelands, Journal of Environmental Management 162: 179-189.


Jakoby, O., M.F. Quaas, B. Müller, S. Baumgärtner and K. Frank (2014), How do individual farmers’ objectives influence their evaluation of rangeland management strategies under a variable climate? Journal of Applied Ecology 51(2), 483–493.


Lukomska, N., M.F. Quaas and S. Baumgärtner (2014), Bush encroachment control and risk management in semi-arid rangelands, Journal of Environmental Management 145, 24–34.


Mittelstaedt, C. and S. Baumgärtner (2021), Attribution of collective causal responsibility to individual actors in a stochastic system, SSRN Discussion Paper, 19 November 2021


Mittelstaedt, C. and S. Baumgärtner (2022), Preference functions for Knightian uncertainty, SSRN Discussion Paper, 29 December 2022


Müller, B., M.F. Quaas, K. Frank and S. Baumgärtner (2011), Pitfalls and potential of institutional change: Rain-index insurance and the sustainability of rangeland management, Ecological Economics 70(11), 2137–2144.


Olbrich, R., M.F. Quaas and S. Baumgärtner (2009), Sustainable use of ecosystem services under multiple risks – a survey of commercial cattle farmers in semi-arid rangelands in Namibia, University of Lüneburg Working Paper Series in Economics, Working Paper No. 137, September 2009.


Olbrich, R., M.F. Quaas and S. Baumgärtner (2011), Risk preferences under heterogenous environmental risk, University of Lüneburg Working Paper Series in Economics, Working Paper No. 208, August 2011.


Olbrich, R. M.F. Quaas and S. Baumgärtner (2012), A survey of commercial cattle farmers in semi-arid rangelands of Namibia on risk, sustainability and management, Schmollers Jahrbuch / Journal of Applied Social Science Studies 132(3), 463–471.


Olbrich, R., M.F. Quaas and S. Baumgärtner (2016), Characterizing commercial cattle farms in Namibia: Risk, management and sustainability, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 11(41): 4109–4120.


Olbrich, R., M.F. Quaas and S. Baumgärtner (2014), Personal norms of sustainability and farm management behavior, Sustainability 6(8), 4990–5017.


Quaas, M.F. and S. Baumgärtner (2008), Natural vs. financial insurance in the management of public-good ecosystems, Ecological Economics 65(2), 397–406.


Quaas, M.F. and S. Baumgärtner (2012), Optimal grazing management rules in semi-arid rangelands with uncertain rainfall, Natural Resource Modeling 25(2), 364–387.


Quaas, M.F., S. Baumgärtner, C. Becker, K. Frank and B. Müller (2007), Uncertainty and sustainability in the management of rangelands, Ecological Economics 62(2), 251–266.


Quaas, M.F., S. Baumgärtner and M. De Lara (2019), Insurance value of natural capital, Ecological Economics 165, 106388.


Quaas, M.F., D. van Soest and S. Baumgärtner (2013), Complementarity, impatience, and the resilience of natural-resource-dependent economies, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 66(1), 15–32. 


Stecher, M. and S. Baumgärtner (2022), Quantifying agents’ responsibility: A generalized measure of causation in dynamical systems, SSRN Discussion Paper, 22 November 2022


Stecher, M. and S. Baumgärtner (2022), A stylized model of stochastic ecosystems with alternative stable states, Natural Resource Modeling 2022;e12345


Strunz, S. (2012), Is conceptual vagueness an asset? Arguments from philosophy of science applied to the concept of resilience, Ecological Economics 76, 112–118.


Whitten, S. M., G. Hertzler, and S. Strunz (2012), How real options and ecological resilience thinking can assist in environmental risk management, Journal of Risk Research 15 (3), 331–346.



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