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Economics of Climate Change: Distribution, Efficiency, and Policy under Uncertainty


Project period: July 2012 – December 2015


Project description:

We aim at analytical understanding of the combined effect of different wealth-distribution targets and risk externalities for intertemporal equity and efficiency under uncertainty, and development of decision-support for the design of international climate policies, i.e. instruments, insurance schemes and international agreements. We study the combined effect of alternative wealth-distribution targets and risk externalities in recently proposed climate policies, in particular emission trading schemes with refunding and climate engineering.

The work program is structured into four work-packages:

WP1 (lead: University of Kiel): wealth distribution and valuation of climate policies in integrated assessment models

WP2 (lead: Leuphana University of Lüneburg): risk externalities, external moral hazard and insurance

WP3 (lead: University of Regensburg): redistribution schemes in international agreements

WP4: integration and knowledge transfer, which includes a cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of the Environment and KfW Development Bank.


Principal investigators:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Baumgärtner (Coordinator), Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Department of Sustainability Science and Department of Economics

Prof. Dr. Martin Quaas, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany, Institute of Economics 

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Buchholz, University of Regensburg, Institute of Economics and Econometrics


Praxis partners:

Dr. Patrick Graichen, Referat Umweltpolitik, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit 

Dr. Ulf Moslener, Abteilung Energie und Politk, KfW Entwicklungsbank, Frankfurt


Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Stefan Baumgärtner, Dr. Wenting Chen, Dr. Emmanuel S. Fianu


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